
21 Day Fix Extreme Nutrition Plan

The 21 Day Fix Extreme nutrition plan at first glance isn’t too different from the 21 Day Fix (aside from the inclusion of the Countdown to Competition meal plan option) and it’s nice because many of our favorite 21 DF recipes can also be eaten on the 21 DFX. HOWEVER, the big difference lies in that Autumn has removed all the “questionable” unclean, high fat, or high sodium items such as: crackers and cereals, turkey bacon, waffles, english muffins, deli meats, etc. I love this because I know that these foods are typically fairly highly processed and that cutting these foods out is what is needed to seriously dial in on your nutrition and crank up the shredding of your body! Another major difference is that this time, there are no treats or cheats and you will be eating 100% clean.

Nutrition Plan Options:

What I love about this program is it gives you options of different meal plans to follow. You can go REALLY extreme and follow the Countdown to Competition plan, or you can mix the regular Extreme plan with the Countdown to Competition, OR you can just do the regular Extreme meal plan. If you feel you aren’t getting results or you’ve reached a plateau with your weight loss, I would recommend following the Countdown to Competition plan. While it is restrictive and you may find it tough, it is only 21 days, so it IS doable!

Countdown to Competition plan:

This plan is tough and it certainly is not for everyone.  It is very strict and it increases your protein intake while depleting your carbohydrates, designed to get you super cut and shredded. Carb depletion drops carbs in a controlled fashion so that you can still fuel your workouts while leaning out and adding definition to your muscles. You will have 2 days of “Competition” and then a regular “Extreme” day, which if you are familiar with the 21 Day Fix, it is very similar to what you can have with that plan. In my grocery list, the foods with the “+” symbol in front of them signify foods that Autumn eats on this plan and the “X” symbol signifies foods that she avoids.

Ways of using the containers:

  • The Energy Balancer– Spread your eating across 3 meals with 2 snacks roughly 2-3 hours apart.
  • The Fat Burner– Spread your eating across 6 meals, 2 hours apart, but make sure you have eaten all yellow and purple containers before 6 pm
  • Autumn’s Competition Regimen– Spread your eating into 8 small meals (Countdown to Competition Plan)

The main point when it comes to the 21 DFX is there are NO CHEATS when it comes to your eating, but this will help you reach EXTREME results! I know how hard that last 10 lbs can be to lose or trying to unveil those abs under that bit of stubborn belly fat, but by dialing in on your nutrition you CAN ACHIEVE AMAZING RESULTS! This isn’t a forever meal plan.. Once you achieve the results you are wanting you can go into maintenance mode and enjoy the occasional treats and cheats! With the help and support of my groups to hold you accountable, you CAN get through this 21 days. That’s why Beachbody has coaches like myself who are here to help you. My job is to provide you support, guidance, tips, and accountability in this program from start to finish!

I have a new group opening up next Monday 2/23 so if you would like to join me, fill out an application here!

February Indubitable Fitness Challenge Groups

Have you ever wanted to lose weight or get healthier, but things came up or went wrong and you just couldn’t seem to do it? Decide today to COMMIT TO MAKING A CHANGE. There is no reason that you shouldn’t live your healthiest, happiest life. My groups combine the secrets to success (FITNESS, NUTRITION, & SUPPORT) to help you achieve your goals! These are the groups that I will be running during February and I would love to have you join us!

21 Day Fix EXTREME Challenge group 2/9:

  • This program is perfect for you if you have a baseline of fitness or are a 21 Day Fix Graduate.. It will get you SHREDDED through combining simple nutrition & extreme 30 minute workouts. Preseason begins 2/9 where we will begin taking measurements, creating meal plans, setting goals, etc. to put you on the path to success. That said, you still have time to order your program and begin workouts with us 2/16! MORE INFO & JOIN HERE

7 Day FREE Clean Eating Challenge 2/9:

  • What is clean eating??  These days everyone says “Eat Clean”, but do we all actually know what this means? Clean eating is about eating foods in their most natural state.  This means saying goodbye to the processed foods, foods with loads of preservatives, foods with lots of added sugar, and foods with high levels of bad fats.  So you will be avoiding the foods that are stripped of their nutritional value and/or have been injected with mass amounts of six-syllable chemicals. Basically, you’re eating whole, unrefined foods. Since you’re avoiding anything that has been altered in any way, your diet will be filled with whole grains, fruits, veggies and other wholesome, nutritious foods. Keep in mind that 80% of your fitness results come from what you eat, so this is very crucial to your success. In a time when so many of us are overweight or dying of diseases, yet simultaneously starving to death due to high fat foods with zero nutrition, clean eating is very important and necessary for us to understand. MORE INFO & SIGNUP HERE

ALL PROGRAM 6-week Challenge Group 2/23:

  • In this group, my group of coaches and I will provide a daily assignment to help keep you motivated and on track.  We will discuss topics like emotional eating, eating out, menu plans, temptations, late-night snacking and whatever the group decides is relevant to them in their goals. I will give you the tools and knowledge that you need to stay on track to reaching your goals.  If you’re interested in participating in the 6-Week Challenge, please fill out this application so I can learn more about you and find a program that fits your needs.

21 Day Fix Extreme FAQ & Enter to win a free copy!!


The 21 Day Fix was designed to make losing weight so simple that you never had to diet again.. and dangggg did it work!! It became America’s #1 home fitness and nutrition program!! I seriously am so in LOVE with the 21 day fix.. I lost 6 stubborn lbs in just 21 days on the 21 DF and many of my clients have lost many pounds and pantsizes and regained their happiness and health thanks to Autumn! But there comes a time where we all have to graduate (insert tear) and continue to challenge and change our bodies.. that said, I am SO excited to announce the release of celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix Extreme coming FEBRUARY 2nd!! This program is aimed at getting you SERIOUSLY SHREDDED in the shortest time possible (still just 30 minutes a day for 21 days!!) Autumn has cranked up the level of intensity with both the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and the nutrition plan to get you EXTREME results!!

What is the 21 day fix extreme??

This breakthrough 21-day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts to help you finally get the lean, defined hardbody you’ve always wanted!! The level of intensity in the 21 day fix extreme workouts and nutrition plan is pretty hard-core… but it will get you that SHREDDED, CHISELED body of your dreams!

Who is this for?

Graduates of the 21 day fix, Insanity, P90X, T25, or anyone who has been exercising regularly and has a good baseline fitness level! You don’t have to be at peak performance, that’s what 21 Day Fix Extreme is for, but you do need a solid baseline fitness level. This is not a program for beginners.. it’s for people who don’t have a ton of weight to lose, but are ready to get RIPPED!

What makes 21 Day Fix Extreme so EFFECTIVE & UNIQUE?

  • FITNESS: You get seven EXTREME 30-minute workouts, one for each day of the week— so you’re sure to never get bored and your body won’t adapt to one repetitive routine! The workouts feature a unique blend of steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves that target every muscle in the body! Most of the workouts involve weights to increase that lean muscle mass and shred fat! 21 Day Fix Extreme does include some high-impact moves, but also comes with a modifier for those who can’t do jumping!
  • NUTRITION: You’ll not only be practicing portion control—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses. Autumn means business with this program!! Plus, you’ll get Autumn’s all-new 21 Day Fix EXTREME recipes to help you achieve your very best results.

No other program has you eating this well and working this hard. But if you want a lean six-pack, cut arms, ripped shoulders, and toned legs . . . you have to take it up a notch. It’s going to take GUTS, INTENSITY, and DRIVE. But, it’s only 21 days. I KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO THIS!

Enter to Win 21 Day Fix Extreme

Apply for my 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group

Sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody account here so you will be notified as soon as it comes out!!!  I will be hosting a 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group that open on 2/16.  Or fill out my application form here to be included in the group!

Goodbye bad habits, goodbye belly fat

Don’t you hate that belly fat that just won’t go away?? I have good news.. with a few fixes you can trim that belly down! A trim midsection is good for many things, like fitting into your favorite jeans or catching eyes on the beach looking fabulous in that swimsuit. But there are even better reasons to work off extra baggage around your stomach.. That baggage, known as visceral fat, isn’t just bad because we dislike the way it looks — it’s also the most dangerous kind of fat. As it forms between your organs, deep within your abdominal cavity, it secretes proteins that can trigger chronic inflammation, putting you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Below I have listed 5 habits that you can break to get rid of that midsection and improve your health and happiness!

Habit #1: Sugar overload

  • Added sugar is found in SO much of today’s foods.. many foods that you would never think of until you check the label. Foods that many of us eat daily such as breakfast cereals, coffee drinks, protein bars, and energy drinks are LOADED with sugar. These sugar calories add up fast and can translate into weight gain. Begin the habit of reading the ingredients and sugar counts in foods that you are consuming. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are 150 calories (37.5 teaspoons or 9 teaspoons) for men and 100 calories a day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons) for women. To put that into an alarming perspective, one 12oz can of coke contains 140 calories from sugar, while a regular sized snickers bar contains 120 calories from sugar.. ah! So check the labels and avoid eating foods that contain added sugars as a part of your daily diet!

Habit #2: Daily dessert

  • Dessert used to be saved for special occasions or had over family meals once a week.. However, much of modern society has now skewed our minds to believe that dessert should be a daily thing. I myself am a huge chocolate, cookie dough, ice cream, sweets LOVER, but I also realize how important it is to monitor our dessert intake! Much like sugar overload habit, having dessert is another form of having too much sugar, and all those sugar calories quickly turn to fat. So forget eating dessert every day. Instead, save desserts for cheat days and special occasions, and stick with fresh fruit as your daily after-meal sweet. I love chopped up strawberries or pears as an after dinner sweet! Frozen grapes are another great sweets satisfier!

Habit #3: Naughty snacking!

  • Snacking is important in maintaining your metabolism, burning fat, & keeping you satisfied all day. But this only holds true when you are snacking on small, high protein, high fiber meals.. Unfortunately, snacking has only made many of us fat because most snack items are crunchy, salty, & processed. They contain loads of simple carbohydrates and, bingo, more sugar. To avoid belly fat, you must avoid traditional snack foods, and stick to small amounts of protein & fiber. Check out my post on some healthy snack ideas here!

Habit #4: Daily alcohol

  • Having a drink (or a few) at night can quickly escalate into a steady habit. Wether you justify the drinks with that you’ve had a long, hard day and you deserve it or if you’re going out on the town every night… All those alcohol calories are basically sugar that is going straight to your belly (helloo beer belly). Breaking your daily alcohol habit is tough, but it may motivate you to know that it is nearly impossible to lose fat on a day when you’re drinking alcohol. Alcohol=fat storage mode. So reserve alcohol for cheat days or special occasions, and begin to lose fat quicker and easier than ever before!

Habit #5: Lack of exercise

  • If you aren’t consistently moving your body in a challenging way, then you’re going to store body fat. Plain and simple. You need to put in place an effective, invigorating exercise routine to dump that fat for good. Core exercises are great for strengthening your abs, but unfortunately they will not eliminate the fat that lies beneath them. To do that, you need to increase your overall calorie burn with cardio. A Duke University study found that people who did moderate cardio for 178 minutes per week (roughly 30 minutes of walking six days per week) gained hardly any visceral fat over the course of eight months. Participants who worked out at a higher intensity (jogging) for a similar amount of time saw even better results — reducing their belly fat by almost 7 percent. To maximize your workout, try HIIT training to get max results in minimal time!! 2-3 days of weight training sessions are also important in your weekly workouts. Everyone naturally gains some fat as they age, but building muscle tone can significantly slow the production of belly fat. In a study conducted at the University of Minnesota, overweight women who did twice-weekly strength training routines that included 8-10 exercises of major muscle groups, from biceps curls to leg presses, gained 67% less visceral fat over two years than women who didn’t do strength training regularly. So hit the gym and burn off that belly!!